Recoop Design

ReCoop Designs is a veteran-owned design studio, build workshop and storefront focused on sustainability. 


Based in Round Top, ReCoop Designs came about by chance. After a four-year stint in the Marines, owner/founder Cooper Meaders earned a degree in biology. While applying to get his Masters, he found a part-time job at New Living, an eco-friendly design studio, where he worked in their low- and zero-VOC paint and finishes department. With access to an assortment of equipment and timber, he started making a few pieces and placing them on the showroom floor – just to see what would happen – and they all sold. 

He soon put his schooling aside to focus on crafting handmade creations of his own design. He took what he learned about sustainable, green living practices at New Living and applied it to his company, ReCoop Designs.

“As part of a mission-based company,” Meaders says, “I strive to use materials that are almost always salvaged, surplus or reclaimed, to create unique work that showcases Mother Nature at her finest.”

Meaders and his wife, Jennifer, have been coming to Round Top for five years to not only present their collection but also to find inspiration. 


“Participating in the Round Top antiques show has allowed us to expand our designs creatively,” he says. “[Our] creations provide a unique point of view, and the exposure to new styles, designs, and once lost treasures from the past have impacted our passion and vision. Our customers tend to be folks in search of one-of-a-kind pieces that first and foremost are beautiful and also have a rich history and story.”

As for what we can expect to see at Market Hill, he says, “well-curated antiques, architectural elements, lighting and other various home and lifestyle items.”

Come meet Cooper and Jennifer of ReCoop Designs at Market Hill.

To learn more about their mission, visit 
