Scoville Brown Cooperative

From the 1800s until the 1940s, the Scoville Brown Warehouse in Wellsville, New York, hummed with the sounds of a bustling grocery wholesaler. Though much has changed, the sounds of a busy facility remain. Also evident is the “Hearts Delight” slogan, still visible on the north side of the brick interior. This is the home of Scoville Brown Cooperative where owner and craftsman Jim Braunscheide conducts his business of taking the old and turning it into something new, which is his heart’s delight.

“Just to walk in, to get your hands on something original, something that untouched, that’s what inspires me.”  

“Like anyone in their craft, my work has evolved over time. I began to see new, repurposed objects in the items I collected or salvaged. I combined what I learned as a young man building with what I learned through the antique business and started designing and building furniture, lighting and accessories.”

What Jim brings to Market Hill is a variety of antiques and architectural finds.

“These works are my artistic expression and interpretation of where history, creativity and functionality meet,” he says.  

“Market Hill is amazing. As a contractor, I can say, structurally, it’s impressive, and as a vendor, it simplifies all of the little things that make it difficult to sell on your own. From the building to the breezeway to the air-conditioning – everything.”

Come find Scoville Brown Cooperative at Market Hill. Meet Jim, and find something with an interesting story that’s been given a new chapter.

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