In 1981, visions of sugar plums danced in the head of longtime Houston Ballet supporter Preston Frazier when he approached the board of Houston Ballet Guild with a new concept to raise money for the Houston Ballet Foundation. His dream of creating a holiday market in the spirit of the European tradition became a reality.
From the moment former First Lady Barbara Bush cut the ribbon at the opening of the first Nutcracker Market nearly 40 years ago, it has become the official kickoff to the holiday season in Houston. For the last 25 of those years, Paul Michael Company has been the largest vendor at Nutcracker Market.
“It’s going to be wow. I promise wow! A Christmas fantasy, a full-blown version of the Nutcracker Market that will support the Houston ballet.”
It’s something Paul Michael looks forward to every year, but this year the event is going virtual, with many of the vendors selling items online. Like so many other events this year, the in-person Nutcracker Market was canceled. The innovative Paul Michael thought of another way to participate.
“We are occupying a 15,000-SF building, right next door to Market Hill,” Paul says. “It’s going to be wow. I promise wow! A Christmas fantasy, a full-blown version of the Nutcracker Market that will support the Houston ballet.”
It will be filled with all Paul Michael Company ornaments and décor, like topiaries, snow globes, nativity scenes, Christmas trees, garlands and much more. The Christmas Market will be open from mid-October through the end of the year. For a sneak peek of what you may find inside, Paul shares photographs from Christmases past. But to believe it is to see it in person when you step inside the winter wonderland.
A portion of all sales benefit Houston Ballet Nutcracker Market.
To learn more about Nutcracker Market, visit and to see more of a Paul Michael Christmas, visit